新澤西主恩堂於十二月廿四日聖誕節前夕舉辦聖誕慶祝晚會。 雖然外面天氣寒冷, 積雪未融, 教堂內中外教友三百多人齊聚一堂, 和樂融融, 一起共度了一個快樂温馨的聖誕夜。
晚會首先由中英文聯合詩班帶領會眾唱: 「新生王歌」, 「齊來宗主信徒」拉開序幕。 接着由四十人的詩班献唱: 「歡欣」, 「 應許之日」及「榮耀的主降臨」。 詩班歌聲嘹亮優美。 可愛的兒童詩班小朋友也以银鈴奏出美妙的聖誕曲「Angels We Have Heard On High」, 帶來聖誕的歡樂的氣氛。
國語堂的陳達牧師和英文堂的劉羚讚牧師帶領會眾禱告和讀經文之後, 短劇「第一個聖誕節」 登場。 這是敘述童貞女馬利亞由聖靈懷孕生子, 在寒冷的冬夜裏客棧却没有地方給他們住,耶穌卑微的降生在馬槽中。 雖是大家耳熟能詳的故事, 教會弟兄姐妹生動的表演, 加上精心製作的佈景, 服裝和道具, 還有由孩子們扮演的羊群, 仍深深地感動了在場的觀眾。
陳達牧師分享的信息是「預備地方给耶稣」. 他提醒會眾在歡慶聖誕節時要思想耶稣降世為人, 道成肉身, 捨命上十字架的救恩. 心裏不要被私慾和世俗所填滿, 要預備地方给耶稣, 因衪在門外等候世人的悔改, 要幫助人離惡向善,享受平安和喜樂。 只要打開心門就可以得到上帝給我們的最佳禮物!
接着詩班又献唱「聖善夜」和「在暗淡的冬季中旬」。這個慶祝晚會,在會眾合唱「平安夜」, 陳牧師禱告和祝福後結束。
今天又收到姐妹email來一篇文章和照片, 有小朋友表演的, 連文章一起貼上給大家欣賞
In the name of Jesus Christ < D R A F T > Hallelujah Praise the Lord
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Christian Church,
It was my pleasure to attend the Church Christmas service. I had a great feeling of a peaceful night of the Christ’s birth, but also enjoyed the wonderful presentation from brothers and sisters. The program which moved me most was the children’s program in bell playing, the Choir and the play of “The First Christmas”.
As a teacher and parent, I was quite amazed the children had done an excellent job and mostly correct bell ringing. Several children did excellent jobs and remembered to ring the bell such as “Doe” song. The violin players also did an excellent job for his age. The Cello player played very well.
The BELL rininging Hymn
I was quite amazed about the size of the choir. The choir conductor Sister MenChen Liu did a wonderful job and prepared the choir for the performance. The actual singing of “Rejoice” and other hymns were very good. But there were three issues in the practice time. 1. Sometime the choir did not come out in unison 2. The person who recited versus should read at least twice louder 3. The BASE is not loud and deep. But their enthusiasm of singing and the love of the Lord could be felt form the entire singing.
The First Christmas play did an excellent job. The narrator apparently did an excellent job to introduce the entire play. Actors also tried very hard on their roles. The story was well known versus from the Bible. The most mentioned act was to have children to play lambs. It turned out to be very good response from the audience. In most cases, the play reminded us the hard time of Christ’s birth. However it appeared there were not enough “Emotion and Felling” from actors. So you could tell they were in a play. In general the Christmas play may change to "NOW" time and location such as the 2009 CCCNJ church. Then it will meet actual feeling of the audience.
"The First Christmas " PLAY
May the Lord’s work prevail through various means of evangelical works.
Emanuel !